Sadie Woods 1901
A beautiful tree, heavy with fruit, lanky branches extending far out, seems to shelter mother, child, pets and farm animals.
Designed by Barbara Ana, this is the second sampler in the "Sadie Woods" series. It is dated 1901, one year later that the original Sadie Woods sampler, with a more mature design and symetrical layout. Although still with a faded and rustic feel, there is more emphasis on colors, with bluish grey and rusty reds.
"The Lord is my shepherd " as well as the full Sadie B. Woods signature and the date "the year 1901" feature in the lower part of the pattern. A bit of fantasy is added with the oversize butterfly and the triangle border motif at the base.
The sampler is stitched using the same rustic fabric as the original Sadie Woods sampler, in particular the unevenweave Natural Osnaburg Cotton (40/32ct). It is undyed and slighly uneven (warp and weft not equal), which makes for slightly rectangular stitches. Soft walnut stains contribute to the vintage feel.
Note: although the chart is almost square, however the use of the Osnaburg fabric will give it the rectangular shape pictured:
If stitched on Osnaburg it will measure 8,40" x 10,31"
If stitched on 32 ct. evenweave it will measure 10,50” x 10,31”
Alternative background color fabrics can be used, as shown in the picture below right.
A cross stitch pattern by Barbara Ana Designs.
>> see more patterns by Barbara Ana Designs
Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Sadie Woods 1901
Chart size in stitches: 168 x 165 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: Natural Osnaburg Cotton (40/32ct)
Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch,
Chart: Black & White, Color
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 7
Themes: young girl stitching, primitive, tree, unevenweave fabric