CHART PACK: 6 pages
Mother Hen & Chicks
Here is the smaller version of the Mother hens and Chicks cross stitch pattern. This one features a single hen watching over her chicks and is entirely stitched in one color.
Stitched on 28 ct linen fabric (or 14 ct Aida fabric) it measures approximately 7 x 8 inch and can be framed in a 9 inch embroidery hoop. Alternatively stitched on 32 ct needlework fabric, it will fit into an 8 inch hoop.
The design depicts a mother hen, watching over her chicks as they explore the courtyard and flowers. A little girl looks on and even managing to catch one of the chicks.
The cross stitch pattern beautifully captures the positions and movements of the intrepid chicks. The wreath itself is light and very decorative, mixing large and small flowers, as well as berries and foliage.
The cross stitch pattern includes some three-quarter cross stitches, used for the detail of the feathers and the beak of the hen, as well as to provide lightness in leaves and petals.
You can stitch this monochrome model in any color of your choice, why not your favorite overdyed red floss?
A cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff.
Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
Mother Hen & Chicks
Chart size in stitches: 102 x 111 (wide x high)
Needlework fabric: 28 ct linen, white
Stitches: cross stitch, backstitch, 3/4 cross stitch
Chart: Color and B&W
Number of colors: 1
Themes: spring, mother hen, baby chicks, Easter