CHART PACK: 6 pages
BlueTits (Chickadees)
A little girl is trying to attract the birds, reaching out to them with seeds in her hand. Two of them remain cautiously perched on the branches. The third however bravely flies towards the little girl, flapping its wings as it descends towards the outstretched hand.
Perrette Samouiloff pictures the blue tits (known as chickadee in the US) with a keen sense of observation, and great needlework expertise. The colors are also cleverly used, with white winter branches fading softly into the background, and the scene which is played out before our eyes rendered in colorful threads.
The cross stitch design fits into a circle. You can either frame the piece in a hoop (6 inch in diameter if stitched on 32 ct linen) or frame it (8 " x 8" or more).
The pattern is essentially worked in cross stitch, with some details of the birds' beaks and wings in 3/4 cross stitches, worked in a single strand of embroidery floss.
A cross stitch pattern by Perrette Samouiloff.
>> see more patterns by Perrette Samouiloff
Chart info & Needlework supplies for the pattern:
BlueTits (Chickadees)
Chart size in stitches: 96 x 97 (wide x high)
Stitches: Cross stitch, Backstitch, 3/4 cross stitch
Chart: Black & White, color detail
Threads: DMC
Number of colors: 15
Themes: feeding birds in winter, fluttering wings, little girl, bird seeds